Susan’s bridal portrait beauty | Thisbe Grace Photography | Dallas Aboretum

25 Jun

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I love Susan’s classic, graceful beauty and was so pleased to have been able to do her makeup for her bridal portraits as well as her hair and makeup for her rehearsal dinner! Unfortunately I wasn’t available on her wedding day (major sad face inserted here) but am so thrilled to have just gotten my hands on all theses beautiful images by the dreamy, magnificent Thisbe Grace Photography.

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BRIDAL PORTRAIT beauty // timeless, soft muted tones (peach, pink, grey) in all matte shades, flawless skin and the perfect pale pink lipstick // hairstyle by Larc Salon Dallas / Dallas Arboretum

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Rehearsal dinner beauty // shimmery metallics for a fun look with her sparkly dress and a voluminous, detailed but modern updo since we knew she would be wearing it down for her wedding / Arlington Hall at Lee Park / Rachel Derman Events


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